Division of Applied Acoustics
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Students rank Chalmers’s education best in Europe
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By the way …
Master’s Programme Sound and Vibration
Find basic information about our master’s programme in the programme leaflet and here.
Here is an article about acoustic engineering at Chalmers that is a little more general.
International Student Design Competition on Room Acoustics
AA students won in 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2016! Congrats!
Urban Sound Planning (SONORUS)
Our booklet on Urban Sound Planning is now available. It was created inside the SONORUS project.
MOOC on Communication Acoustics
Members of the Division of Applied Acoustics have contributed to two massive open online courses:
Both courses are freely accessible!
Welcome to the Division of Applied Acoustics at Chalmers
Chalmers University of Technology is a Swedish technical university having its campus right in the heart of Gothenburg. Our division is located on this campus and we belong to the department of Architecture and Civil Engineering. The research activities have traditionally been devoted to structure-borne sound in buildings and vehicles, noise control engineering, architectural acoustics, and electroacoustics.
During the recent years the research profile of the division has been expanded. Today tyre/road noise, railway noise, active control of of sound and vibration, urban sound planning, sound and vibration quality, and audio technology are key research areas. The Vibroacoustics Group led by Prof. Wolfgang Kropp is today one of the leading research groups in tyre/road noise modelling. The research in the Audio Technology Group revolves around 3D sound capture and reproduction by means of arrays of microphones and loudspeakers. Array technologies for ultrasound applications also in the portfolio.
We are responsible for the undergraduate and graduated education in acoustics at Chalmers University of Technology. Our education has its roots in our research. With our International Master’s Programme in Sound and Vibration we pass our knowledge to future specialists in the field of acoustics.