First Quarter
- Individual Preparation Course (part I)
- Introduction to Audio Technology and Acoustics
- Sound and Vibration Measurements (part I)
Second Quarter
- Individual Preparation Course (part II)
- Technical Acoustics 1
- Sound and Vibration Measurements (part II)
Third Quarter
- Human Response to Sound and Vibration
- Room Acoustics (part I)
- Technical Acoustics 2 (part I)
Fourth Quarter
- Urban Acoustics
- Room Acoustics (part II)
- Technical Acoustics 2 (part II)
Fifth Quarter
- Design of Silent Products (part I)
- Electroacoustics (part I)
- Digital signal processing for audio engineering and active sound and vibration control (part I)
Sixth Quarter
- Design of Silent Products (part II)
- Electroacoustics (part II)
- Digital signal processing for audio engineering and active sound and vibration control (part II)