General Course Information
Course code | VTA160, course description |
Lecturer | Prof. Roland Sottek |
Assistant | Leon Müller |
Lecture hall | Teaching lab /Applied Acoustics |
Exam | Grades will be set based on quality of compulsory home exams. |
CoursePM |
Grades will be determined based on the quality of the submitted, compulsory, individually written home tasks.
Lecture slides
Supporting material
Additional course material
- H. Fastl, E. Zwicker: Psychoacoustics. Facts and Models, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.
- B. C. J. Moore: An Introduction to the Psychology of Hearing, Academic Press, 1997.
- J. Blauert: Spatial Hearing, MIT Press, 1997.
The books by Moore, and Zwicker & Fastl will be available for lending by the Division for use during the course. You are not allowed to print copyrighted material.