Find short basic information in the programme leaflet.
General Information
The MSc programme “Sound and Vibration” offers an international education adapted to the future needs of industry and society. The programme offers both a broad education in acoustics as well as the possibility to specialise in certain areas in acoustics. In addition to the specialisations offered at Chalmers, the cooperation within the Nordic Institute of Acoustics (NINA) allows for a wide range of different specialisations that is unique in Northern Europe. The programme at Chalmers has a strong focus on the link between theory and practical application. This is done through work in small groups guided by experienced teachers and access to experimental facilities suitable for this purpose. The programme consists of a compulsory component (Introduction to Sound and Vibration, Quarter 1 and Quarter 2), which offers a comprehensive overview of the field as well as an introduction into advanced areas of acoustics. The compulsory component is followed by a second component consisting of elective courses (continuation in Sound and Vibration) allowing for a specialization in different areas of acoustics. The programme is finalised with a 30 or 60 ECTS MSc thesis in the field of acoustics. The thesis might be carried out in cooperation with industrial partners in and outside Sweden. Typical examples of career opportunities as a specialist in noise control engineering can be found in:
- Acoustic consultancies working with product development, environmental noise, architectural acoustics or building acoustics.
- Vehicle industries have their own divisions dealing with sound and vibration properties.
- Communication industry, where sound is important for the quality of products and services.
- Public organizations concerned with environmental issues, housing, traffic planning and health.
Please follow the links below to find out more about goals and contents of the programme, how it is organised and how to apply for the programme. Acoustics is a broad field and with the knowledge that students gain in our programme one can become active in a variety of fields in engineering and research. However, many students are not aware of these possibilities and therefore we created a section where our alumni tell you what they are doing now and how they perceived the programme.
We hope that all these information will help you in your decision and we are looking forward to receive your application. If you have further questions you can get in contact with us:
Programme Director: Wolfgang Kropp (
Further Information
The Role of Acoustics in Science and Society
This document describes the goals of the programme and how our education is linked to acoustics in science and society.
Programme Structure
Here, you will learn how the courses are assembled in the programme and how the system of credits and grades works. A description of the individual courses can be found here.
Studying in the Programme
This page gives a rough timeline of the master’s programme from the first day of the arrival at the department until a student holds the degree in its hands. We hope that it will prepare you a bit, make the start easier and may give input for the long-time-planning and the economical adventure that expects you.
Masters – Alumni
Before applying to our programme, many students ask for the application-fields of the knowledge that one gains from our programme. The alumni (students from previous years in our programme) may help you to get a better idea.
Application and Admission
This page contains information about the formal application process.