The programme offers both a broad education in acoustics as well as the possibility to specialise in certain areas in acoustics. In addition to the specialisations offered at Chalmers, the cooperation within the Nordic Institute of Acoustics (NINA) allows for a wide range of different specialisations that is unique in Northern Europe. The programme at Chalmers has a strong focus on the link between theory and practical application. This is done through work in small groups guided by experienced teachers and access to experimental facilities suitable for this purpose. The programme structure is presented in the figure below
The programme consists of a compulsory component (Introduction to Sound and Vibration), which offers a comprehensive overview of the field as well as introduction into advanced areas of acoustics. The design of the compulsory component enables students to continue in different specialisations at Chalmers and within the other programmes offered by partners of NINA. The compulsory component is followed by a second component consisting of elective courses (Continuation in Sound and Vibration) allowing for a specialization in different areas of acoustics.
Introduction to Sound and Vibration (Quarter 1 and 2)
This component consists of four courses corresponding in total to 30 ECTS.
Audio Technology and Acoustics gives a comprehensive introduction to the field of acoustics with special focus on air-borne sound, electro acoustics and audio technology. Technical Acoustics I focuses on structure borne sound, sound radiation from structures as well as on advanced noise control engineering methods. Both course are supported by the Sound and Vibration Measurements course, which impart essential measurement techniques in the field of acoustics. The course is closely linked to Audio Technology and Acoustics and Technical Acoustics I. In this way enhances learning the connection between theoretical and practical application through hands-on experimental work illustrating phenomena and theoretical contexts taught in the courses.
Acoustics being as interdisciplinary field with students participating in the course from diversely different backgrounds demands special attention and measures to support students at an individual level. This task is handled by the Individual Preparation Course. The content of the course is adapted to the students’ individual needs for successfully completing the studies in acoustics. The course also provides the relevant skills in mathematics, signal processing, and programming techniques. The course has a strong focus on working in groups where the individual students can improve their capability to participate in work as a part of a team. It also has the goal to support active learning.
Continuation in Sound and Vibration (Quarter 3 to 6)
This part of the programme allows both for specialisation in specific areas of acoustics, as well as for gaining a broad general knowledge in acoustics. In order to complete the studies in sound and vibrations it is necessary to complete at least 15 ETCS from the Acoustics programme offered by Chalmers. Examples of possible specialisations are
- Building acoustics and Community Noise
- Vehicle acoustics (partly in cooperation with KTH)
- Marine acoustics (in cooperation with NTNU)
- Audio technology, electro acoustics and room acoustics
Master thesis (Quarter 7 and 8)
The programme is finalised with a 30 (60) ETCS MSc thesis in the field of acoustics. The thesis might be carried out in cooperation with industrial partners in and outside Sweden. Thesis projects carried out at Chalmers should be related to ongoing research to allow for a strong coupling between research and education. This is especially preferable for students who are interested in continuing as PhD students. It is also possible to carry out a 40 credit MSc thesis replacing the course sin Quarter V and VI).
The programme contains special courses, which allow students to demonstrate their holistic view by creatively solving real life problems. Examples of such courses are Room Acoustics, Silent Design of Products or Active Noise Control. These courses also contain strong elements of working in groups, design, implementation and test as well as communicating results in between group members as well as to people outside the course.
Other recommended courses
In addition to the courses listed by name in the figure above, the following courses are explicitly recommended for studies in sound and vibration:
At NTNU: Numerical methods (7.5 ECTS, Quarter V to Quarter VI, distance course) Music technology (7.5 ECTS, Quarter V to Quarter VI, distance course) Marine acoustics (7.5 ECTS, Quarter III to Quarter IV, distance course) Room acoustics
At KTH: Energy methods (6 ECTS, Quarter not determined yet) Flow acoustics (6 ECTS, Quarter not determined yet)
At Chalmers: Course from the Automotive programme (courses in Quarter I and II, which could be selected by students in Quarter V and VI Course from the Structural Engineering and Building Performance Design programme (courses in Quarter I and II, which could be selected by students in Quarter V and VI Active Control of Vibrations (7.5 ECTS, Applied mechanics, Quarter VI as continuation of Active Noise Control) Experimental Dynamics (7.5 ECTS, Applied mechanics, Quarter IV as continuation of Sound and Vibration Measurement Techniques)
Required ECTS
For each course you will be awarded a specified number of credits. In total you need to achieve 90 ECTS from courses. If you add the credits listed behind the courses you would find that this would result in a number of credits far beyod the limit. Thus you will have some freedom to select your favorite subjects amongst what we offer. We are always available if you have questions or if you want to discuss your individual study plan.
Grading System
Credits say something about how much work you have put in a course or a project. How well you performed is expressed by grades. The Swedish grading system is as follows:
- 5 – excellent
- 4 – good
- 3 – sufficient
- below not passed
Beside this in some of our courses you will only be graded with passed (G for Swedish Godkännd) or not passed. The course description pages will tell you more detailed what applies for the specific course.
Master thesis
The master thesis is (normally) a 30 ECTS project, where you work on your own, supervised by a teacher from our department. With this work you show that you can apply acoustics knowledge to an engineering or research problem. You will write down your working steps and results in a report and defend your thesis in a presentation.