General Course Information
Course code | VTA137 (formerly VTA136 and VTA135), course description |
Examiner | Astrid Pieringer |
Lecturers | Wolfgang Kropp, Jens Ahrens, Pontus Thorsson |
Classroom exercises | Leon Müller, Vincent Ratay, Chenya Ji |
Time and place | Lecture hall at Applied Acoustics (Sven Hultins gata 8a), schedule in the TA calendar |
Exam | Written exam (see also detailed info below) |
Course PM |
NB: You need a login name and a password for some of the documents provided for download on this page! Passwords are only available to our ATA course students and will be provided during the lecture.
The date of the exam is announced in the Student Portal (NB: you have to register to take the exam. For more information, see Student Portal)
Tools you are allowed to bring to and use during the exam:
- Mathematical tables
- Electronic calculator without or cleared text memory
- List of equations “useful formulae” and “audio formulae”
(see additional downloads section) - All without any added notes!
Previous exams:
- Previous exam (2019/10)
- Previous exam (2019/10) solutions
- Previous exam (2021/10)
- Previous exam (2021/10) solutions
- Previous exam (2022/10)
- Previous exam (2022/10) solutions
- Previous exam (2023/01)
- Previous exam (2023/01) solutions
Course Literature
The literature will be provided in electronic form and is reference on the very last slide of each deck. Note that you will need a Chalmers IP to access it.
The literature is composed of excerpts from the following text books:
- M. Kleiner, “Acoustics and Audio Technology,” J. Ross Publishing, 2017
(accessible for online reading here and here) - H. Kuttruff, “Acoustics – An introduction“, CRC Press, 2006
- M. Möser, “Engineering Acoustics,” 2nd edition, Springer, 2009
- S. Garret, “Understanding Acoustics,” Springer, 2017
And the following lecture notes:
- Lecture notes on audio technology by Per Sjösten
We also use list of equations (“Useful formulae”), lecture notes, exercises and solutions provided on this website.
Mendel Kleiner: Errata to Acoustics and Audio Technology (2014-10-01)
Additional downloads
- Useful formulae
- Audio formulae (revisited)
- Kahoot questions and answers (available at the end of the lecture)
- Lecture 1: Basic concepts: harmonic oscillations, levels
- Lecture 2: Basic concepts: acoustic variables, frequency domain representation
- Lecture 3: Basic concepts: wave equation and solutions
- Lecture 4: Basic concepts: wave equation and solutions cont’d, reflection and transmission
- Lecture 5: Hearing
- Lecture 6/7: Room acoustics
- Lecture 8: Room acoustics and human hearing, Acoustical planning of listening spaces
- Lecture 9a: Sound absorbers
- Lecture 9b: Wave propagation in solids. Sound generation and radiation
- Lecture 10: Sound insulation
- Lecture 11: Audio signals
- Lecture 12: Microphones
- Lecture 13: Loudspeakers
- Lecture 14: Audio effects
- Exercise 0: Problems
- Exercise 0: Solutions In-Class
- Exercise 1: Problems
- Exercise 1: Solutions In-Class
- Exercise 1: Solutions Home
- Exercise 2: Problems
- Exercise 2: Solutions In-Class
- Exercise 2: Solutions Home
- Exercise 3: Problems
- Exercise 3: Solutions In-Class
- Exercise 3: Solutions Home
- Exercise 4: Problems
- Exercise 4: Solutions In-Class
- Exercise 4: Solutions Home
- Exercise 5: Problems
- Exercise 5: Solutions In-Class
- Exercise 5: Solutions Home
- Exercise 6: Problems
- Exercise 6: Solutions In-Class
- Exercise 6: Solutions Home
- Exercise 7: Problems
- Exercise 7: Solutions In-Class
- Exercise 7: Solutions Home
- Exercise 8: Problems
- Exercise 8: Solutions In-Class
- Exercise 8: Solutions Home
- Exercise 9: Problems
- Exercise 9: Solutions In-Class
- Exercise 9: Solutions Home
- Exercise 10: Problems
- Exercise 10: Solutions In-Class
- Exercise 10: Solutions Home
- Exercise 11: Problems
- Exercise 11: Solutions In-Class
- Exercise 11: Solutions Home