Publications from the Division of Applied Acoustic in recent years are in the Chalmers Publication Library (CPL) database. It includes peer-review journal articles, conference papers, PhD theses, LicEng theses, MSc theses, and other reports.
Here is a Publication List of all publications from Applied Acoustics in this database sorted by year.
Use the Search or Extended Search to search for our publications. NB! Department Name: “Applied Acoustics” will only give post up to year 2004.
Use the Publications List option for creating lists with publications from the individual research groups or individual persons. If you search for based on the departments name, take the following into account:
- “Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Applied Acoustics” includes publications from the year 2017 onwards
- “Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Applied Acoustics” includes publications from year 2005
- “Department of Applied Acoustics” includes publications earlier than year 2005.