The course aims at giving the students insight in and understanding of acoustical measurement methods and the concepts associated with the methods, as well as knowledge in practical signal processing.
When: | Quarter 1+2 |
Course code: | VTA073 |
Credits: | 7.5 ECTS |
Exam: | Reports |
Contact: | Jens Forssén |
Course materials |
The course consists of 6 laboratory experiments where the participant comes in contact with common acoustical measurement methods and measurement equipment. The experiments are carried out with a large degree of self activity. Laboratory experiments:
- Measurement of sound outdoors
- Measurement of sound power
- Measurement of airborne and impact sound insulation
- Human response to sound
- Basic vibration measurements
- Vibration measurement using a laser doppler vibrometer
For the course syllabus (e.g. intended learning outcomes) please see the course page at Chalmers.
Lab experiment guidelines (see course page)