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I have a position as Associate Professor (Docent) at the Division. I am a member of The Vibroacoustics Group. I conduct research in the fields of vehicle acoustics, tyre/road interaction modelling, mid- and high frequency methods, and active control of vibrations/smart materials, and I supervise PhD- and MSc-students and teach various courses in acoustics.
I was born and raised in Mariannelund in Småland, but lived also a year in Jönköping during my pre-university studies. Apart form acoustics, science and mathematics I am interested in novels, history, music and sports. I always enjoy listen to Meshuggah with high volume on the amplifier and I am a fanatic supporter of the icehockey team HV71 (Swedish champions 1995, 2004, 2008 and 2010).
In 1999 I got my Master of Science degree in “Civil Engineering, specialization Applied Mathematics directed towards Sound and Vibrations” at Chalmers. My MSc thesis was in the field of thermoacoustic refrigerators. I did a literature study and built a thermoacoustic device that uses sound waves to pump heat. 1998 I studied Theoretical Philosophy in a half-year course at Göteborg University, where I did the final work on Philosophy of Mathematics.
In 2000, I was enroled as PhD student at Applied Acoustics. In 2002, I got the Degree of Licentiate of Engineering (2.5 years of the total of 5 years for a PhD in Sweden). The title of the Lic. Eng. thesis was “High Frequency Tyre Vibrations”. In 2004, I was staying at Laboratoire Vibration Acoustique, INSA de Lyon, in Lyon, France, under the frame of an EC exchange programme.
In 2005 I got my PhD in Applied Acoustics, and the thesis has the title “Modelling Interfacial Details in Tyre/Road Contact – Adhesion Forces and Non-Linear Contact Stiffness”. I mainly studied how the very small length scale roughness of the road surface affects the interaction behaviour of the tyre/road contact.
In 2010, achieved the degree Docent in Applied Acoustics. My Docent lecture had the title “Challenges of Tomorrow in Vehicle Acoustics and Road Traffic Noise”.
Peer-reviewed journal and conference papers
Link to list of publications (from Chalmers Publication Library)
Research projects
There are some more details about my research at the pages about The Vibroacoustics Group’s research on Vehicle acoustics, Tyre/road interaction and Active vibration control .
Running projects I manage
- Quieter transport for more efficient distribution (VINNOVA/FFI project. Project partners: Applied Acoustics at Chalmers, Volvo Technology (project management), Volvo Trucks, Institute for Surface Chemistry (YKI) and JABA Group)
- Development of a numerical prediction tool for optimisation of apertures, screens and absorbers in partial enclosures around noise sources (The Swedish Research Council)
Running projects I participate
- SPERON 2020 – A tool for predicting the acoustic performance of road surfaces (Leisstra 3, Part Project 1) (Supervisor for PhD-student Julia Winroth)
Previous projects
- Contact modelling including effects on small length scales for optimisation of tyre/road interaction (The Swedish Research Council, Supervisor for PhD-student Julia Winroth, finalised 2011)
- A model for the tyre/road noise generation including effects due to adhesion in the contact (The Swedish Research Council, Assistant Supervisor for PhD-student Patrick Sabiniarz, finalised 2011)
- The use of active constrained layers to improve the acoustic performance of light weight panels (The Swedish Research Council, Assistant Supervisor for PhD-student Jonas Svensson, finalised 2011)
- Reduction of external noise for diesel propulsed passenger cars (EMFO and Vinnova/Green Car in which the participating partners are Saab Automobile AB, KTH and Chalmers, finalised 2008)
- SILENCE – Quieter Surface Transport in Urban Areas (EC-project, Assistant Supervisor for PhD-student Patrick Sabiniarz, finalised 2008)
- ITARI – Integrated tyre and road interaction (EC-project, partly involved, finalised 2007)
- RATIN – Road and Tyre Interaction Noise (EC-project, previous main project, finalised 2003)
- Weight reduction with maintained sound comfort for automotive structures (partly involved, finalised 2000)
Pedagogic projects
- Fitness for purpose – achieved by rediscovering the subject acoustics (as a teacher, finalised 2003)
- Auralisation and Visualisation as a Teaching Tool (as a student, finalised 1998)
Present cources
- Signal Processing in Acoustics (PhD course, course administration and lecturer)
- Introduction to Sound and Vibrations (course administration and lecturer)
- Sound and Vibration Measurement Techniques (lecturer and assistant of laboratory work for the parts Signal Anaysis and Basic Vibration Measurments), and
- Technical Acoustics 2 (lecturer and assistant of laboratory work for the part Statistical Energy Analysis).
Previous courses
- Active Noise Control (course administration and exercises)
- Building Acoustics (Akustik, hus) (course administration and exercises)
- Induvidual Preparation Cources (course development, lectures, supervision), and
- Matter and Wave Theory (exercises).