Audio examples that accompany scientific publication by the Audio Technology Group:
- GitHub repository Acoustic Room Responses
- Auditorium Acoustics 2023 (superceded by the next bullet point)
- Auralization of Simulated Sound Fields (2025)
- End-to-End MagLS for EMA (DAGA 2023)
- Perceptual Detection Thresholds for Alterations of Early Reflections (DAGA 2023)
- Spatial Subtraction of Reflections From Room Impulse Responses Measured with a Spherical Microphone Array (WASPAA 2021)
- Direct and Residual Subspace Decomposition of Spatial Room Impulse Responses (2022)
- DAGA 2924
- I3DA 2021
- ICASSP 2021
- Introduction to Ambisonics
- JAES 2024a
- WASPAA 2021a